IDF's Casualty Treatment Unit

Meet the brave men and women of the IDF's Casualty Treatment Unit, tasked with preserving the dignity of the dead. 

Since Oct. 7, more than 150 brave soldiers, rabbis, doctors, dentists, officers, investigators, and military personnel have been working day and night dealing with the unspeakable horrors committed against Israeli civilians and soldiers when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli soil on that Shabbat HaShakor (Black Shabbat).

By adopting these heroes, you will support, strengthen, and assist them through therapeutic training sessions as they recover from the unimaginable atrocities, seeing bodies decimated, desecrated, defamed, and forced to determine deaths according to Jewish law and tradition. 

Your support assists in the well-being of this unit (Machane Shura), giving them the necessary rest, recovery, and tools they need to work through the pain and trauma of their roles to process and heal at a therapeutic training retreat. Trained professionals will accompany them, offering solace and support as they navigate these distressing challenges and traumas together with other members of their unit.

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