Israel in Need

The current circumstances in Israel have reached a critical point, with a growing number of individuals and families facing severe hardships. This situation has left many people without access to specific necessities. As a result, we are reaching out to individuals who may be able to help alleviate the suffering of those affected by this war.

The East Valley JCC has been actively involved in reaching communities in need and is well-equipped to coordinate the distribution of funds where they are needed. However, we cannot do this alone and require the support and assistance of generous partners like you to make a meaningful difference.

We kindly request that you consider providing support through financial aid and medical supplies. Your assistance will be crucial in saving lives and helping the affected communities on their path to recovery.

Thank you for your compassion and willingness to make a positive difference in the lives of those affected by this tragedy. Let us show our solidarity with the people of Israel.

Donate $100 or more and get a limited edition of "The October 7 War," a book of photographs by Ziv Koren from the Oct. 7 war. 

  • Donate wherever the funds are needed most.

  • Assist lone soldier centers in Israel, which provide meals and services to lone soldiers serving in the IDF. Lone soldiers are volunteers from around the world who serve in the IDF without family members who live in Israel.

  • Help support members of the IDF's Casualty Treatment Unit, assisting in the well-being of this unit, giving them the necessary rest, recovery and tools they need to work through the pain and trauma of their roles to process and heal at a therapeutic training retreat.

Suggested Amounts

Donate $100 and get 'October 7 War' book of photography.

For your donation of $100 or more, you can receive a copy of the photography book "October 7 War" by Ziv Koren. This historical work presents over 350 powerful photographs that capture the harrowing events and aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks. These images offer a raw, unfiltered look into the devastating impact on Israeli society, showcasing scenes from the frontlines, destroyed settlements and the personal stories of those affected. 


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